the main points are briefly summarized in the following outlineの例文
suggest the following points
Suggest the following points We have provided maintenance solution to a very detailed level than any other study . in this paper , we propose a generic framework solution that can be appli......

main points
The main point is that the ceviche should have a little heat. The main point is that blows to the head damage the brain. Her main point is laudable : Take responsibility for your own actio......

sum up the main points
They sum up the main points of an article, allowing for readers of these articles ( such as myself ) access to some of the most commonly sought-after material.

sum up the main points of the lesson
Sum up the main points of the lesson in three sentences Sum up the main points of the lesson in three sentences

books summarized
Written in a popular science style, the book summarized research supporting Bailey's opinions. The book summarized the poor state of health of the general population, drawing on government......

The Ninth Circuit summarized the state of the law in 1985: "Men want things summarized, " says Canfield. What is the best way to summarize this varied employment history? Garza said as he ......

summarized data
The latest report summarized data previously released by the Census Bureau. Aggregated data cubes are the most effective form of storage of aggregated or summarized data for quick analysis......

summarized history
I wonder if you have had the opportunity to address my suggestion of summarizing History, Government and Culture per Wikipedia : Summary style?

summarized in
Half of their answers were summarized in Thursday's column. One hopes it can be summarized in fewer than 540 words. Instead, let me summarize in two ways what I mean. Some of this data is ......

summarized information
may be used to summarize information about a particular night vision device. Descriptive statistics involves methods of organizing, picturing and summarizing information from data. We summ......

summarized results
However, summarizing results to an aggregate level results in information loss. The book looks and attempts to summarize results from scientific papers on climate change. The summarized re......

be briefly questioned
He maintained his outspoken pro-Nazi views during World War II, the uninhibited expression of which once led him to be briefly questioned by the police.

He also briefly represented the U . N . Legal Department. He stared briefly in astonishment and then quickly recovered his composure. The Shanes met briefly with DeGraffenreid at Blue Spri......

briefly speaking
Briefly speaking, The Beyond was a mysterious plane of existence which occasionally encroached on the physical world. Briefly speaking, Uvarov tried to deprive education of its most import......

he touched only briefly on that question
He touched only briefly on that question .

more briefly
More briefly, the horse that starts fast and stays fast wins. I cannot state this startling discovery more briefly. Or more briefly, a perpetual motion machine of the first kind is impossi......

most briefly
"' Josh MacIntosh "'( Adam MacDonald ) Sam's high school sweetheart and eventual but most briefly husband. One doesn't wish to make too much of childhood with a neuropsychologist who con......

put briefly
Put briefly, Essbase requires the developer to tag dimensions as " dense " or " sparse ". The macro stdout . put briefly described earlier is a good example of a sophisticated macro that c......

put it briefly
The performance was to put it briefly a thunderous success . ? I'll be happy if someone can put it briefly here and link to the project page and / or discussion that's related. But as ......

refer briefly to
I should refer briefly to breach of trust and breach of fiduciary duty. The Mahavamsa also refers briefly to the writing down of the canon and the commentaries at this time In " Variation ......

to put it briefly
The performance was to put it briefly a thunderous success . ? But as to the Romans, Alemanni, Gauls . . . to put it briefly, those who are not German are created to serve " .) :To put......

main road main scheme station
Main road main scheme station

tu tu main main
The title " Tu Tu Main Main " is a phrase in Hindi meaning arguments and bickering. ""'Tu Tu Main Main " "'is an Indian sitcom television series which aired on DD Metro and later STAR Plus......

accompanied by following documents
Accompanied by following documents

active following
Bargain-hunters were active following the IPC's 6.2 percent fall last week. Bargain-hunters were active following the IPC's 6 . 2 percent fall last week. The site still maintains the activ......